
our roots

We are here as a resource for everyone on their zero waste journey. Whether you are just starting to figure out what zero waste means to you or you have been doing this for years, we are here for you.

Offering a growing selection of refill options, zero waste essentials, and a blog full of useful information, we hope to help you reduce the amount of waste you produce. The horrible fact is that as a nation the U.S. population sends an average of 7 lbs of waste per person to landfills every day accounting for 30% of the planets total waste even though we only make up 4% of the global population. We know what you’re thinking, “no matter how big of a change I make it’s not going to make a difference.” But we have found this lifestyle change brings fulfillment, a sense of gratitude for the things that we do have, and empowers us to make changes that have a positive impact on our environment - big or small.

We value the power of community and the reach that one community can have and invite you to join our community. Get curious about zero waste, ask questions, gather your resources (one of our favorites is pinterest) , reach out for help, and make your journey your own.